Friday, November 21, 2014

Act 2| LET IT BE

It don't have to be so hard, we don't have to go there. If it is what's gon be, we don't have to worry~Be Easy: Alice Smith 
I often times find myself overanalyzing the simplest ideas. For instance “making it work”. What does that mean? And why when ones testimony is changed from making to forcing does that statement abruptly loose it’s charm? Like the difference between describing an apartment as cozy instead of small. This small distinction has been on my mind for months. When will I know that MY wording has changed? Realizing the ability to adapt to different practices when you don't intrinsically want to, is in fact force; did not at all register to me.

There is a theory called the Michelangelo phenomenon, named after the Renaissance artist, who viewed sculpting as an opportunity to reveal it’s ideal figure from the block of stone. The ideal figure exists within the stone, and the artist simply removes the stone covering it. (source)

It was then that I was able to comprehend the difference in the two concepts (making/forcing). In any relationship, the people you surround yourself with should help not hinder your growth in becoming your ideal self. The relationships that seem to be forced, works against seeing the beauty in ones autonomy. Their approach pushes for sacrifice at your expense. 

Making it work, rather suggest that the relationships in your life can be challenging, but are also duly affirming in helping you represent the you that is instinctive yet apprehensive to it's calling.
Sweater and Jacket Thirfted / Skirt - Brandy Meville (similar)/Shoes-Balenciaga
Photo's by Erica Lavelanet

I aspire to one day honestly answer the question "What makes you beautiful?" as Melissa Harris Perry did at some point during this interview.
She says, “ It’s probably because I’m irrefutably my self. Even when I try really hard not to be, I just come pushing out the sides eventually.”

Thus the conditions of my current and future relationships
are not limited to, but certainly must now REQUIRE
the promise to appreciate me for who I am and the person that I choose to become!

peace Xx

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