Tuesday, January 20, 2015

ACT 3| Unapologetically Unprepared

This post is dedicated to a dear friend, who pushes me to look at my natural idiosyncrasies and develop them into thought provoking prose to honestly describe the texture of my life. Thanks C

I guess nobody ever told you. All you must hold on to. Is you, is you, is you~ Bag Lady: Erykah Badu

So I began this journey out of sheer vanity. Being a new member of the non-purse carrying variety came about because my taste in bags are considerable and my income is not. I’ve matured, I prefer to spend my hard earned money on booze and shelter (not necessarily in that order).

Carrying a purse has not cramped my masculine style and my boyish charm what so ever. I’m a real lady, peppering my sentences with curse words that would make any mother proud; queen of the 5 second rule. But when asked how I feel without my purse, the reply accompanied no hesitation. Unprepared. Without my trusted junk keeping spine re-aligning accessory, one is faithfully rendering the expectation for the day with only what can be held in pocket or in a puffy coat. No room for makeup reapplications, once it’s off it’s off.

Sweater and Jacket Madewell / Skirt - Uniqulo /Shoes-Vagabond
Photo's by Stacey Belko

Shoulders and forearm unoccupied, ready to embrace the world with complete access to its purse free capabilities. After this experience I'm feeling more enlightened to a new perspective. Walking around sans purse for a while has left me more confident that like men, I can unapologetically flounce through life, open and unbound.

With that being said, this year I plan to collect less stuff and go on more adventures.

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